Tag Archives: cybersecurity

Curbing your Risk Appetite in the New Year

The holidays are behind us now, and many of us have made (and possibly broken) resolutions to reign in our appetites and make better decisions regarding our personal health and fitness. This New Year is also a great time to assess your company’s IT fitness, curb your “Risk Appetite,” and resolve to tighten up loose […]

Your company needs a cybersecurity expert

With the prevalence of cyberattacks on companies of all sizes these days, businesses cannot afford to relegate cybersecurity to the bottom of their budget priorities. When it comes to cybersecurity, even small businesses should partner with a managed IT services provider (MSP). Here’s why it’s crucial to partner with an MSP that can implement robust […]

The Year in Review – Cybersecurity in the Year of the Pandemic

2020 was a year like no other in recent memory. For years, regulators have required that annual Risk Assessments include rating the risk of pandemics… now we know why. Banks, like all businesses were largely caught by surprise with minimal plans in place when the shutdown happened. Because banks are required to provide essential services […]

Cybersecurity: It’s time to make this a priority

With so much going on with ransomware and data breaches, RESULTS Technology has decided to focus yet another monthly newsletter solely on cybersecurity education. At the time of this writing, there are at least 3 high-profile cybersecurity incidents in the news, including attacks on hospitals, retailers, and political groups. If you think having antivirus and […]

Don’t be a stepping stone for this cyberattack

stepping stones in water

A trend that has dramatically shifted in this pandemic is that cyber attackers are now taking their own sweet time to launch threats against businesses. They are using sophisticated, systematic cyber attack programs that continue for an extended time (called APTs) and small businesses are being used as stepping stones.

How to be proactive with your cyber defenses

As soon as you focus on preventing downtime events instead of reacting to them, the productivity and efficiency of your IT infrastructure will increase to levels you’ve never dreamed of. It is good to have an IT team and/or a third-party partner like a managed services provider (MSP) that helps keep your company protected against […]

5 Best practices for securing PHI

Protected health information (PHI) includes personal, medical, and financial information, as well as other data created or used when a patient sought and received healthcare services. Due to the sensitive nature of PHI, it is highly valuable to hackers — and this is why your healthcare organization must do everything possible to protect any PHI […]

Webinar: Cybersecurity for businesses with remote employees

Join RESULTS Technology for a Small Business Webinar as we present Cyber Security for businesses with remote employees. We will discuss why a secure remote connection is important, the types of remote connections, safety requirements for remote connections and the risk levels associated with each. This educational small business event is perfect for business owners, […]

Risk Levels of Various Remote Access Methods

work from home

The pandemic has forced many of us to implement work from home procedures. But what are the risks associated with permitting network access from outside of the secure perimeter of your company’s internal network? To keep your business safe, make sure you have at least the minimum security measures in place. Office vs. Home Office […]