Tag Archives: cybersecurity

5 Cybersecurity Misconceptions That Your Financial Institution Needs to Leave Behind

bank manager looking at laptop and updating his cybersecurity in banking policy

Cybersecurity in banking is a constant barrage of new threats, changing regulations, and customer worries. And your financial institution is a prime threat. Your business goes right to the source: the customer’s money! To protect your customers and your business, your cybersecurity needs to be top-notch. But there may be some banking misconceptions that are […]

Multi-Factor Authentication: How Having a Layered Defense for Your Bank Can Help to Combat Cyber Threats

employee using multi factor authentication

As a leader and decision-maker at your bank, you know that technology is a double-edged sword. It helps you work effectively, learn more about your customers, and make better decisions. But the online world also has the potential to destroy a business you’ve worked so hard to build.  We live in a digital world—there’s no […]

Top Cybersecurity Threats That Your Bank Faces in 2023 and How to Protect Against Them

banker on laptop trying to protect against cybersecurity threats

As a bank or financial institution, you hold the key to the most private information of your trusting clients and customers. That’s a tall order! They all hope that your digital security is at Fort Knox level, but we both know that having good cybersecurity is easier said than done. On March 17th, 2022, the […]

What Security Capabilities Can a Managed Service Provider Offer Your Business?

team discussing cybersecurity

As a business owner, you know that keeping your data and systems safe is critical. You may also know that it can be difficult to do so on your own, especially if you don’t have dedicated security staff or expertise in-house. That’s where Managed IT Services can help. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) offer a range […]

5 Industries That Are Most Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks in 2024

cyber security employee looking for threats

Cyber attacks are on the rise, and no industry is safe. However—some industries are more vulnerable to attack than others. If you are in one of the following five industries, it is important to take steps to protect yourself from these threats and ask yourself if there is a likelihood of a cyber attack on […]

Common Online Banking Scams and How to Keep Your Account Safe From Them

banking scams targeting out of office emails

In today’s digital age and especially coming into the holiday season, it is more important than ever to be aware of the different types of online scams that are out there. Unfortunately, scammers are getting smarter and more sophisticated every day, so it’s important to be vigilant in order to protect yourself and your finances […]

What is a Data Breach and How Can it Impact Your Business

computer that needs data breach prevention because it has alert on screen

The occurrences of data breaches are at an all-time high and continue to rise. In the second quarter of 2022, there were already 52 million reported data breaches. Cybercriminals will target any business they see as vulnerable, which means that every business is at risk. Data breach prevention should be a top priority for businesses. […]

Cyber Security in The Workplace: How to Keep Your Business Safe

employee being taught about cyber security in the workplace

The pandemic has forced businesses to move online at an unprecedented rate. And while this digital transformation was necessary to keep the economy moving, it has also created new opportunities for cybercriminals. Cyber security in the workplace must be a top priority for all businesses, big and small. With remote work not going anywhere, it […]

How to Manage Your Bank’s Cybersecurity Risk With CIS Critical Security Controls

finanical services cybersecurity worker holding the words data protection

In just the first half of 2021, the banking industry experienced a 1,318% increase in ransomware attacks. Banks have become prime targets for cybercriminals due to the large amounts of sensitive customer data they hold.  To protect this data, as well as maintain compliance with strict regulations, banks must have a strong cybersecurity strategy. This […]

Debunking 10 BIG Cybersecurity Myths Every Business Owner Has Heard

business security being hacked

There are many cybersecurity myths circulating the internet, and business owners need to be aware of them to protect their business security. Things that might have been true yesterday might not be useful today.  It’s important to understand how harmful these myths are and that they can actually make your business more vulnerable to cyber […]