Stop the bad guys in their tracks

superhero protecting network
Cybersecurity crime is now one of the largest industries worldwide, costing companies a combined $100 billion or more each year. Small and mid-sized businesses are preferred targets because hackers know they can’t afford the big, enterprise-level cybersecurity tools that larger companies have. Traditional security standards like firewalls and antivirus are simply no longer enough to protect your business from vulnerabilities like data theft, lost laptops, viruses and malware. Invicta (Latin for invincible) VPS (Vulnerability Protection System) may be just what your company needs. It’s a cybersecurity tool that rivals what the big guys have, but is designed specifically for small and mid-sized businesses. When used in conjunction with firewalls, backup and antivirus tools, Invicta VPS provides security at a level that is compatible with most regulatory compliance requirements (HIPAA, FFIEC, PCI, NIST, etc.). Download more information about Invicta VPS. Invicta VPS is different because it prevents and detects Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). These threats sit quietly, harvesting your company’s sensitive information, or even worse, your client’s information, for weeks or even months. APTs can also move around within your network, gain administrative rights and even access secure areas of your network. APTs are truly one of the worst things that can happen to a company. Here’s how it works …
  • Once installed on your network, Invicta VPS gets right to work, enforcing policies on workstations and servers to ensure that only legitimate changes and activities are permitted. It then continues to monitor every five minutes to verify compliance.
  • Invicta VPS inventories each application scheduled to automatically start at boot or user login. When an anomaly is detected, Invicta VPS delivers remediation alerts to the RESULTS helpdesk for action.
  • The network is scanned daily for failed login attempts, changes to permissions and administrative accounts, changes to network configurations, and detects malware or “hidden” applications. Invicta VPS detects and automatically uninstalls unauthorized applications.
  • Invicta VPS detects keyloggers, trojans, spyware, unauthorized registry changes, or other malicious activity.
  • A weekly network scan detects security vulnerabilities on all network-attached devices. External vulnerability scans are run quarterly against public firewall IP addresses.
  • An enhanced Ransomware detection system identifies malignant activity and immediately isolates the infected device and initiates corrective action.
  • Lost or stolen devices can be locked down and data destroyed on first connection to the internet.
  • All detected anomalies and alerts are forwarded to the RESULTS help desk for rapid remediation.
  • All reportable events are captured and analyzed by the RESULTS help desk and actions logged in the client-viewable ticketing and Invicta VPS portals. Monthly detail reports are captured and stored for client access in the RESULTS ticketing portal. All reports are reviewed by RESULTS technicians and summarized in the client monthly Proactive Health Report.
Wouldn’t it be nice not to have to worry about a virus shutting down your network, or your client’s data being sold on the black market? Invicta VPS is available through RESULTS Technology. Contact us today to learn more.