Category Archives: Security

RESULTS Technology Joins National Cybersecurity Initiative

RESULTS Technology has joined the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) initiative, held annually in October, by signing up as a Champion and joining a growing global effort to promote the awareness of online safety and privacy. NCSAM is a collaborative effort among businesses, government agencies, colleges and universities, associations, nonprofit organizations and individuals committed to […]

Cybersecurity can be daunting…but there’s light at the end of the tunnel.


We hear a lot of talk about data security because of the constant threat of cyber attacks and hacking. News of data breaches are extremely common. You may find yourself dwelling on the threat … what would you do in the event of a disaster? How would you access your data? Luckily, there is a […]

What you need to know about juice jacking

We’ve come to rely on our smartphones to help complete daily tasks, and this has resulted in the need to recharge our phones multiple times a day. But when you’re far from your charger, public charging kiosks can seem like a good substitute. However, this can lead to an incident of “juice jacking.” If this […]

Free removal of ransomware? Yes, it’s a real thing.

cyber security

Over the last few years, different versions of ransomware have sprung up, all aimed at extorting money from your business. Before you even consider paying for the release of your data, the first thing you must always check is if there’s a free cure for the ransomware that infected your systems. The state of ransomware […]

This kind of cyber attack will ruin your day

computer security

With evil elements continuously developing novel ways to infiltrate networks and steal user data, it is more crucial than ever to stay one step ahead of the curve. Protect yourself from cyber security criminals by learning more about their methods. Here are some tips to deal with the threat of watering hole attacks: What are […]

A new kind of attack: Distributed spam distraction

Every day, you receive dozens of email messages, including spam, which is usually harmless, unless there’s a malware attached to it. But even the harmless ones can become more than just an annoyance if you have thousands of them flooding your inbox. Learn how a new spam attack called distributed spam distraction can do more […]

IT terms you need to know

Jargon can be intimidating if you’re dealing with IT issues and you’re anything but techy. Running an anti-malware scan can generate auto pop-ups that leave you clueless with IT terms that sound Greek. Learning the basic concepts listed here will help you move on and not be surprised the next time that happens. Malware For […]

What are 2-step and 2-factor authentication?

In the digital age, cybersecurity should be one of the top priorities for anyone who goes online. One way is to vet those who are trying to access your systems. But when it comes to verifying users’ identity, many are unaware of the two kinds of authentication measures available. Read on to know the differences […]